Sunday, December 27, 2009

Park - Hot Springs, AK

Another palette knife painting
of a scene in a park on a hill

at the edge of  the town of
Hot Springs, AK 
The scenery there was beautiful
I love the tall trees

The parks there are quite beautiful
They stir a wonderful feeling inside!

Alive in the Shadows

Here is another palette knife in oil

I like the bright background
and the lone tree in front
This painting is from two
photos and additions from
my mind. The bright back-
ground is painted with a
brush and the middle and
foreground are painted with
a palette knife

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Marler's Garden

This palette knife painting
is a plein air painting
completed at the annual

Ste Genevieve Garden Walk
in May of 2009.
It was a beautiful day, just a
a little cool and windy
There were several gardens
in the yard.
This view appealed to me
because of the color contrast.

Winter's Icy Cover

Another palette knife painting-
We were on a bus trip to
Kentucky to the Quilt Museum
An ice storm engulfed
landscape in a
shimmering veil.

The photo was taken
thru the
bus window
therefore the colors

are not natural.
It worked -

I like the soft colors.

Ste Genevieve - Looking From Fort kaskaskia

This is a plein air painting
completed in the early fall
looking to Missouri from
Fort Kaskaskia in Illinois 

Ste Genevieve Art Guild
made the trip to
'Paint the Sunset'
we were all too eager
to catch the
'golden hour' and consequently rushed way too fast to capture the most beautiful sunset ever - Even the moon was dancing in the beautiful glow of the rose streaked sky!


On Industrial Road

Another Palette Knife painting
A local view at the corner of a
rural road
Beautiful views of Ste Genevieve Area

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Barn Off Hwy 55 - Schaefer's

Palette Knife Oil Painting

This scene is one of the most eyecatching
along the
highway going north from
Ste Genevieve, MO

Every season it displays a peaceful scene
 of peace
and  beauty.
Every year the buildings become a little more weathered 
This adds to the area's beauty

After A Rain

A Palette Knife Painting in Oil

I like the mood of this scene
It Looks like a steamy summer day

Friday, September 11, 2009

Hot Springs Lake

  Palette Knife Oil Painting
  Lake in Hot Springs, AK
  What a fun painting to do
  I love the texture of the
  palette knife paintings!


Thursday, August 27, 2009

For a Friend

I painted these roses
several years ago. 
My Mom has it hanging
in her bedroom.
It is a copy of roses
that were painted on
a plate in the early
1900's by a friend's

Friday, August 21, 2009

Birdhouse Decorative

This birdhouse was entered into the Ste Genevieve, MO garden walk in May 2009 and won 2nd place in the 'decorative category'
I painted the birdhouse with whisps of color and then 'f'ound' the flowers and added the brown centers I had sort of an idea what I wanted it to look like I was pleased with how it looked after adding the outline around the flowers
It was a fun project!

Burgandy Glow 2

I originally painted this composition in watercolor on a twelve by sixteen watercolor sheet
This oval is painted in acrylics on a much smaller scale
I like the color of the flowers and the way the hummingbird
floats against the burgandy

Mount Olive Schoolhouse

This painting is painted from a photograph taken in Southwestern Mo near Branson
I was fortunate to meet the owner and have the history of the old school
dating back to the land before the school was built


These dogwood are painted with a brush in oil
I really like working with a palette knife a lot more than a brush

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Marler's Spring Garden

Palette knife oil painting of Marler's garden

This is just one of many gardens on the property

Painted at the May Garden Walk in Ste Genevieve

The day was beautiful - a little windy

Owners were very friendly

It was fun talking to the people who came to see the gardens


Conservation Pond

Palette knife oil painting

I like the reflections in the water

A feeling of serenity

French Countryside

An acrylic painting Landsape in France
This reminds me of the Missouri Hills
in our county